Friday, March 9, 2007

Before i continue what i wanted to say, i've to say this now:

Blogger system sucks! I'll have to reset my password everytime i wanted to post something!! So what's the point clicking that stupid box
" □ Remember me" ??? Fuck up system!! :/



DM V3 @ CCK spoilt

This is what i've heard from one of the staff when i interviewed him in the afternoon:

"This morning, there's a girl (dyed hair), played the DrumMania, & then the machine went blackout. The tech can't fix the problem let, so the tech switched off the machine"

No worry, i'm not blaming that girl, lol~ I'm blaming that old machine.

Then the auntie turned on the machine, & it failed to boot the game, & the PS2 menu appeared. LOL~

After awhile, the tech appeared again, but with DrumMania 3rd MIX. Hehe~

So the rest of the thingy you guys should know la~
Some random pics:


DM 3rd MIX kit

DM V3 kit

3rd MIX: Midnight Special no BPM? Lol~



P2 side, the BLUE button sucks big time... I got really pissed till i put (Yes it's put, not throw.) back the guitar (battle mode) & wait for the music to finish to get back my e-AMUSEMENT PASS..

Video clip --> Sometimes register, sometimes not

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